We had some really cold weather this week but well done everyone for keeping going even though we were freezing cold. A special well done for those doing clean up outside – the sink cleaners and moppers hands were freezing, the green area cleaners had to struggle with wet leaves stuck to your brooms and dust pans, and those who went to the recycling center had to face the cold wind. Well done to all of you!
A big big thank you to everyone who brought in materials for the science experiments and activities. These fun activities help a great deal in the learning process and your donations are greatly appreciated.
In Science this week we learned about weather instruments and predicting the weather. The students have a new homework assignment for Science to complete a work packet to review the material learned so far this semester. There are even a couple of bonus questions. I hope this work packet will help you all prepare for mid-term exams next month.
In Math we started the week by looking at solid figures such as cylinders, spheres, and pyramids. We learned some new vocabulary and were able to count how many faces, vertices, and edges these types of figures have. We completed the chapter by looking at the number of cubic units in a 3D object. On Thursday we had a test on all the work in Chapter 7. Well done to all of you .. you really did very well and can feel proud of your efforts.
In English we read the story “Uncle Romie” where we learned that when we get to know people we discover what they are really like. In phonics we learned about the suffixes –er, - est, -ly, and ful. In Grammar we learned about articles – a, an, and the. Next week we will read a story called “Half Chicken” and at the end of the week each student will write a dialogue or play. Please think about what you would like to write about.
Everyone did very well in this week’s English test. Many students improved their grammar grades this week – well done. Don’t forget to keep reviewing your spelling and vocabulary every day and you will do better and better each week. Don’t forget to review this week’s work for our test on Monday.
In Social studies we started off the week by looking at cut away diagrams and how they can help us understand how something works. We then used a map of the world and plotted the location of the 10 famous places we had for homework last week. Everyone completed this homework assignment and now we all know some new famous places and where they are located. Good work everyone.
Well done to all our Homework Machines for trying your best with your homework. Remember to always turn in your homework on time and to do your homework the best you can. Please parents will you help your children by always signing their homework and reminding them to write down their reading so that they can get full marks for the homework competition. Thank you.
Everyone is reading so much and it is great to see everyone with great books out during our morning and noon time quiet time. This reading will greatly improve your vocabulary and general knowledge. Please try and challenge yourselves in your reading but more importantly read what you enjoy. Well done to those who received certificates this week – Nicole, Sonia, Ricky, Victor, Nina, Jonathan C, and Jonathan A.
On Friday we celebrated Pi Day. Pi is a mathematical expression which helps us calculate the circumference of a circle. (C = πD) Pi is a number with an infinity number of digits and so last week the students were given the first 1000 digits and asked to memorize as many digits as they could. The previous record of digits memorized by a Grade 4 student was 42.
We all wore clothes with at least one circle on it to commemorate this day.
We started off my learning about making a frequency chart and bar graph and in groups of two they were given 50 digits of pi to work with. They learned a lot about using these charts and draw up some really good graphs. These charts and graphs are on display in our classroom if any parents would like to come and see their child’s work. Everyone completed the task exceptionally well.
Next we set out to prove that pi is equal to approximately 3.14 or 22/7. We did this by using various sizes of cans and containers (thanks to all the parents who donated these). Each student chose a container and drew around it on a piece of paper. Next, they wound a piece of string around the circumference of the container and cut it. They then laid the string across the diameter of the container and cut it into 3 pieces. Everyone discovered that they had a small piece over thus proving the mathematical value of pi. Finally, they stuck the three and a bit pieces onto the paper and stuck it up on our board. Everyone completed their task very well and I am proud of their achievement in this difficult task.
In the final lesson of the day we began with a circle drawing competition. Archimedes who is a famous BC mathematician worked out an approximate value for pi without the use of modern technology. Legend has it that he drew circles all the time to prove his theory. Thus, in his honor we draw circles on pi day. Each student had two chances to draw the best circle possible using only pencil and paper. Everyone is the class did a great job and it was difficult to make a final decision. In the end we all agreed that Nick and Nina received 3rd place, Joshua received 2nd place, and Jolene was the 1st place winner. Well done to all of you.
After drawing circles it was time for the pi memorizing competition. Every student stood up on front of the class and recited as many digits as they were able. Just standing up in front of one’s peers is a great achievement and for some students they were winners for just having the courage to do that .. so well done to all of you. Over ½ the class remembered 10 or more digits which is a tremendous achievement. Elijah, Jasmine, Jason, Justin, Nick, Nicole, Victor, and Yao remembered 20 or more digits. Well done to you all. In the end there was a tie for 1st place and a tie for 2nd place. Elijah and Victor tied by remembering 22 digits and Nicole and Yao tied by remembering 46 digits. So I now have a new record in this competition!
Thank you to all 3b for participating in this fun day to celebrate pi and math. You all did so well in all aspects of the day.
We not only drew circles but ended the day by eating circles in the form of muffins. What a delicious way to end the week.
Have a great weekend everyone
Mrs. DB
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