Friday, June 4, 2010

Sem 2 Week 15

Four weeks to go until you all Graduate from Grade 3 and go on Summer Vacation. Unfortunately, that also means only 3 weeks until finals but we still have a bit of work to do before all that.

Firstly, a great big well-done to all for coping with two tests on Monday. Not only did you have IOWA tests last week but then you had an English and Math test on Monday this week. Good work all of you.

In CSS everyone is working on group posters. I am looking forward to seeing what they look like when you have finished.

In Science we are learning about thermal energy and heat. On Tuesday we saw how rubbing two objects together causes heat,

and on Friday we tested different materials (metal, plastic, wood, ceramic) to see which one heated up the most.
On Wednesday during Homeroom hour we were unable to look at the next 3 chapters of book "Sarah, Plain and Tall" because we all had a serious meeting to attend. We were all reminded how important safety is. We were reminded of some rules such as "knives (toy or real) are not allowed to be brought to school and if we do we can be suspended immediately". Also that grabbing others around the neck is ver dangerous and we should keep our hands to ourselves. We were also reminded that we should all behave correctly even if the punishment is not very severe. I hope that all of you in 3B will behave really well for the rest of this semester.
In WSS we started the week by inventing a product. There were some very interesting and creative ones.


We then moved on to looking at how a business is run. We learned that big and small busineses can specialize in one product or be a general store. We also learned about the different aspects of Marketing a business by discussing my job in the sports industry in South Afica. Ask your son/daughter about "Fatti's and Moni's" and see if they can remember what it is.

In Math we started work on multiplication and how to multiply simple and more complicated problems.

In English our story was about a Science Fair and how you shouldn't worry about your work but should just try your best. In phonics we looked at Suffixes -able, -ible, -less, and -ous. In Grammar we learned how to make contractions. We also started work writing our end of year performance.

This week we had an ice-cream party to celebrate achieving our reading goals and everyone received a certificate for their participation in the reading challenge last week.
You are all reading stars!
I would like to mention the students who read the most pages - Nina, Jonathan Chen, Victor, Jason, and Ricky.
We celebrated two birthday's this week - Gloria and Jonathan Ai. (next week we will have a picture of Jonathan) Happy Birthday to you!

I hope you all have a good weekend and I hope Wesley, Elijah, and Sonia feel better soon.

Take care
See you on Monday
Mrs DB

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