Many things have happened over the past two weeks. Last weekend my hike up Jade Mountain took more energy than I expected and so I was unable to publish last week's blog.
So firstly, here is last week's (week 12) blog:
Happy Birthday Jason .. hope you have a great Birthday. And another Happy Birthday to Yao who was sick on his Birthday a few weeks ago.
Things we have learned this week:
Story: Charlotte's Web
Phonics: -tion and -sion as suffixes and as part of a word
Grammar: irregular verbs
We are continuing Chapter 11: Fractions and Decimals. We learned about improper fractions and mixed numbers, and started looking at decimals.
Western Social Studies
We are continuing with Unit 6 which is basically all about Economics.
We finished discussing Henry Ford and Assembly Lines and then began work on a personal glossary with words from this lesson.
We have begun Unit F which looks at Force, Motion, and Energy.
We started by doing an activity to see how energy can be stored in a rubber band and then released.
We learned how all Energy comes from the sun in the form of heat and light energy. Plants use light to make food and all other living organisms eat plants and indirectly also use this energy from the sun.
Wind, water, fossil fuels, and trees can provide energy and energy can be stored in batteries.
Mr. Pousen is guiding the students to make a story board diorama. I am looking forward to seeing the finished products.
Flag Ceremony
The next flag ceremony will be in June.
Field trip
I am really sad that I wasnt able to join you all on this fun day. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves.
Now on to this week (week 13):
We covered lessons 13 to 16 which covered hundredths, decimals greater than 1, comparing and ordering fractions and decimals (this was a difficult lessons which most students managed to complete well), and adding and subtracting decimals.
Next week we will complete Chapter 11 by doing lesson 17 and 18 - Decimals, Fractions, and Money and Problem solving using money. We will also review Chapter 11 and have the test on Friday 28th or Monday 31st.
Western Social Studies
We started looking at Inventors and Inventions. This is an important aspect in our study of Economics because before a product can be made, there needs to be the idea of a product to be made.
Louis Daguerre invested the first form of camera for photography.
Cyrus McCormick invented a reaper to help farmers harvest their crops quicker.
Granville T Woods had 35 patients including telegraph for the railroad and an air brake for trains.
Next week we will look at Jeanie Low and Hans Crhistiansen Lee.
We looked at waves of energy - light energy goes up and down (this we investigated by moving a jump rope up and down) and sound energy goes back and forth (this we investigated by moving a slinky).
We also briefly looked at electricity.
Next week we looked at how energy can be changed and we will investigate by using batteries, bulbs, and electrical wire.
We finished Lesson 26 - Charlotte's web and did some extra practice on irregular verbs which can be difficult to remember.
We started Lesson 27 - Spider's webs and looked at adverbs. We will complete this lesson next week. Lesson 27 test will be on Monday 31st June.
IOWA tests
IOWA tests take place from Tuesday 25th to Friday 28th May during the first two periods each day. The first test will start at 7:50am and no-one will be allowed to enter the classroom late. Please be on time since you may not make up tests that you miss.
That's all the news for this week.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Mrs DB
3B you are all doing so well. Keep up the good work.
Mrs DB