We received a number of awards during this week’s flag ceremony.
Congratulations to Sonia, Nicole, and Victor who received 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize for Mid Semester Grades.
Well done to Jasmine for receiving the Student of the Month Award for Respect.
All of 3B also received a 1st place in the Clean up competition. You always work so hard in Clean up. Good Job 3B!
In Science we have been learning about landforms and we used a paper towel to see how the forces at work in the earth help create mountains.
Also in Science, we had great fun sucking candy as a model of weathering. We discovered that the longer we sucked the candy the smaller it got. This was a model of how the longer a rock is in a river the more it will be weathered.
Another Science activity was to model how rocks tumble around in a river and bash against other rocks. This causes the rocks to break up into smaller rocks and eventually sand. To illustrate this real life happening we placed 5 pieces of candy in a plastic jar then we each took turned shaking the jar. After a few shakes not much had happened but the more we shook the more the candy broke up into pieces. At the end we had fine powder and only a few small pieces of candy.
Congratulations Gloria for becoming a 2 and 3 times tables Wizard. Keep up the good work.
A number of students became 4 and 5 times tables Wizards this week. Well done to you all!
Well done to all our Homework Machines for trying your best with your homework. Remember to always turn in your homework on time and to do your homework the best you can.
This week it was Jolene, Jonathan, JC, Joshua, Justin, Nick, and Nicole’s turns to put up some decorations on our Christmas calendar and Christmas tree. They also very nervously popped the next 7 balloons in our Christmas count down.
A new Class President and Vice President were chosen during WSS this week. Thank you Jason and Justin for doing such a good job up till now and congratulations to Elijah and Nicole for becoming our new Class President and Vice President.
We have finally finished reading “Kabuka and the Magic Calabash”. The students will now have an assignment on this book. Each student will be given a chapter of the book to re-read, summarize, and illustrate. The due date for this assignment is Monday 4th January.
During noon quiet time on Friday 3B became a hair salon and I French braided Nicole, Jasmine, Gloria, and Jolene’s hair. They all looked really beautiful with their neatly tied hair.
To help get us in the Christmas mood Mr. DB played some Christmas songs for us all on his guitar on Friday afternoon. JC showed us his great dance moves while the rest of us sang.
Christmas Plans
Please remember the following information for our Christmas Plans:
- Thursday 31st December will be 3B’s Christmas party. (Thanks to the Christmas moms for helping me book the 2nd floor multifunction room)
- Parents are welcome to join us in the 2nd floor multifunction room from 2:30 to 4pm on 31-12-09.
- Don’t forget to buy a gift for your secret buddy (between NT150 –NT200) and bring it to school on Monday 28th or Tuesday 29th December.
Summary of work planned for the next month. I will update this regularly in case of unplanned changes.
This week (week 15) we began work on Unit C Chapter 2: Landforms and Slow Changes to Landforms.
Week 16 we complete Unit C Chapter 2 by looking at Rapid Changes to Landforms and have a test on Unit C Chapter 1 and 2.
In week 17 we begin Unit C Chapter 3 and look at how soils form, different soils and how to conserve it.
In week 18 and 19 there will be a Unit C Chapter 3 test and we will start Unit C Chapter 4 and look at resources and how to conserve them.
In week 20 we will finish of Unit C Chapter 3 and prepare for exams which take place at the end of the week and in week 21.
We are working on multiplication for the rest of this semester. There will be a test on Chapter 5 on Monday 21st December.
Western Social Studies
Week 15: Chapter 4 Models of American Citizenship, and National Symbols.
Week 16: Monday 14th December there will be a Chapter 4 open-book-test and later in the week we will begin Chapter 5 Describing a Place
Week 17: Chapter 5 What People Add to Places, and People and Their Environment.
Week 18: Chapter 5 Test and Chapter 6 The World in Geographers’ Terms
Week 19: Chapter 6 Physical Processes, and Human Processes
Week 20: Complete Chapter 6 and prepare for exams which take place at the end of the week and in week 21.
Week 15: On Monday 14th December we will have our regular weekly test on Theme 3 Lesson 13 A Tree is Growing; Grammar – Subject and Object Pronouns, Phonics – Consonants s/c, j/g, dge. The rest of the week will cover Theme 3 Lesson 14 One Small Place in a Tree; Grammar – Pronoun – Antecedent Agreement, Phonics – Syllable Patterns.
Week 16: Theme 3 Lesson 15 Ask the Experts; Review of Theme 3
Week 17: Theme 3 Test and Review
Week 18 – 20: I plan to use “
End of week 20 and week 21: Exams